The year leading up to an election, and the first year after an election, tend to bring market volatility. Leaders must consider the multiple scenarios that could unfold after this election cycle and strategize to maintain success no matter the policy agenda.

The impacts of the upcoming election and Congressional makeup are amplified by the major pieces of legislation that are on the docket in 2025 – a budget bill, a tax bill and the Farm Bill. Individually, each has the potential to impact ag business and producers significantly. Layer in trade agendas, renewable fuel policy and the current state of the ag economy, the agri-food industry can expect to experience some unprecedented pressures - and associated opportunities. 

The Directions Group (formerly Aimpoint Research) analysts have completed a study and report intended to help agribusinesses and producers identify where positive returns can be earned no matter who controls the White House or Congress.

About the 2024 U.S. Election Analysis Report

You can purchase the full 2024 U.S. Election Report for Agriculture for $1,250.

Purchase the Full Report

Webinar Opportunity

The Directions Group will be hosting a public webinar at 1pm EST/12pm CST on October 1 for in-depth insights into the election analysis. Click here for more details.

What’s in the report?

The report delivers an impartial and balanced evaluation of how the upcoming U.S. election could impact the business environment. The risks, opportunities, and business investment cases were examined under various election result scenarios. The Directions Group studied key policies from each party’s position and then identified the pluses and deltas for each candidates’ policies. Finally, realistic expectations are presented of how these executed policies could impact business post-election.

The paper outlines the likely policy positions for each party and subsequent scenarios for priority areas of agriculture, including:

  • Regulatory Agenda
  • Budget & Fiscal Policy
  • Tax Reform
  • Trade & Tariffs
  • Sustainability, Energy, Antitrust & Labor
  • Farm Bill & Food Policy

To learn more or purchase the report without a credit card, email